On the occasion of the anniversary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's birth, the Domus Mazziniana will host a concert on Sunday 29 January from 9.00 p.m., organised by the Giuseppe Bonamici School of Music, with the patronage of the Domus Mazziniana itself, to recall the Enlightenment and secular ideals of the great 18th-century composer.
The concert is the final moment of a masteclass of interpretation on Mozart's Trilogy with orchestra and will involve some of the most prestigious and interesting musical realities of Tuscany, in addition to the Bonamici School, the Istituto Musicale Rodolfo Del Corona of Livorno and the Estrorchestra of Lucca.
Conducted by Laura Brioli, coordinator of the Vox Artis project Marco Voleri and Chiara Morandi will perform Laura Andreini, Marshal Arman, Sabina Caponi, Daniele Di Tommaso, Aleksandra Deviatilova, Letizia Greco, Josephina Hoogstad, Arsene Min Kuang, Claudio Mugnaini, Silvia Sbrana and Rachel Stellacci.
Scilla Lenzi and Francesco Saviozzi will take turns at the piano.
Admission free while places last.