The conservative architectural restoration overcame an incredible challenge and today the Tower is in a stable condition while fully respecting its uniqueness and originality. The celebrations of the 850th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone (9 August 1173) that began in 2023 will continue with an intensive programme this year.
From January to June, every last Sunday of the month, in cooperation with the Metropolitan Chapter, Organ Vespers in the Cathedral. At the Mascioni organ, six of the most renowned organists on the scene and a reflective and meditative space proposed by Severino Dianich. The last appointment is entrusted to the young organist Ilaria Centorrino who on Sunday 30 June will play pieces by Liszt, Laurin and Saint-Saens.
On 3 and 4 June at the Pio X hall in the Palazzo Arcivescovile, the Regional School Office for Tuscany, Province of Pisa, concludes the Racconta la torre project.
On 5 June, the film È viva la Torre di Pisa by Daniele Segre, introduced by Sandra Lischi and Emanuele Segre, is screened at the Cineclub Arsenale.
From 12 June to 31 July, the exhibition entitled Stregato dalla Torre-Pisa nella collezione di D.I Malkov, il Campanilista Moscovita proposed by the University of Pisa, in collaboration with the Società Storica Pisana, in the Courtyard of Palazzo La Sapienza, curated by Antonella Magliocchi, Gabriella Garzella, Chiara Bodei and Paolo Mancarella.
From 15 June to 30 September in the premises of the Palazzo dell'Opera in Piazza del Duomo, the exhibition La Torre allo specchio. Le molte vite del Campanile del Duomo di Pisa curated by Stefano Renzoni.
On 25 June in the foyer of the Verdi Theatre, Parallel Game: the Leaning Tower by Mino Trafeli is presented, a documentary that tells the story of the 1981 Carnival, made with the support of Cineclub Arsenale.
Music under the Tower is back in the Cloister of the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, on 3 (Estro orchestra), 5 (Vivacitade trio), 10 (Trio Kanon) and 12 (Simona Molinari) July. Four musical events alternating classical and jazz, in a suggestive setting that offers a view of the Bell Tower from a unique and enchanting perspective.
On 16 July, in the Cathedral, the meeting ‘...perché tutte le immagini portano scritto: più in là’ (E. Montale, Ossi di seppia-Riflessioni di un Cardinal Poeta e di un Medico Rettore around the mystery of man and life with the presence of Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça and Professor Riccardo Zucchi Rector of the University of Pisa.
On 19 July in Piazza del Duomo the illuminated Tower and the reading-performance Le Voci di Dante by Giuseppe Montesano, with Toni Servillo.
The Tower will close at 5 pm (last entrance at 4.30 pm).
On 9 August, under the illuminated Tower, a closing concert in the cathedral square with Francesco Meli, one of the world's most successful and popular tenors, accompanied by Davide Cavallini's piano.
The Tower will close at 5 pm (last entrance at 4.30 pm).