SMS, Exhibition Center at San Michele degli Scalzi
Built on the site where the Richard Ginori ceramics factory once stood, adjoining the church of S. Michele degli Scalzi, the SMS exhibition center was planned to enhance this part of the city to the west of the town where, more than elsewhere, the banks of the river Arno have maintained their original natural appearance.
The design of the recently completed building, in reinforced concrete, steel and glass attempts to unite the languages of contemporary architecture with the already existing structures and the tree-lined avenue along the river (viale delle Piagge). The squares and wide steps that join the entrance of the building to the level of the street act as a unifying characteristic between the old and the new.
The exhibition centre, built to the plans of Marco Guerrazzi, also contemplated renovation of the ex S. Michele degli Scalzi monastery (mid 12th century) and the use of the twelve rooms in the building as exhibition space for temporary exhibitions of contemporary art. The squares, the upper one beside viale delle Piagge, and the lower below street level, are planned for events open to the public, for example, concerts and theatrical events.
Opens to the public for temporary events or exhibitions
Viale delle Piagge – 56124 Pisa
+39 050 8669200