Astronomical evening at the CEP

Serata astronomica al CEP
Serata astronomica al CEP
Start date: 
End date: 

The Misericordia di Pisa and the Associazione Culturale Sarda Aps Grazia Deledda are organising an astronomical evening on Friday 14 June, starting at 8.30 p.m., which includes stargazing and access to the modern digital planetarium and a series of lectures on astronomical topics. Thanks to the collaboration with the St Joseph's Astronomical Observatory, it will be possible to enter the complex world of astronomy through guided tours in the Misericordia premises from 8.30 p.m. onwards.

In the evening, it will also be possible to support the Misericordia for those who are able to do so. The events are free of charge, but support is always important. This is the first in a series of initiatives that we will organise within our premises, both cultural and health information events.

The collaboration with the Sardinian Association is almost inevitable as we have identified the topic of the Einstein Telescope, which is also being followed by researchers from Pisa and which sees Sardinia playing a leading role in this battle. This is one of the main European research projects with a worldwide scientific impact. Sardinia is a candidate to host this project in the disused mine of Sos Enattos in the Nuoro area.