The portal has been designed to comply with Law 4 of 9 January 2004 , "Provisions to facilitate access by disabled persons to IT tools", in particular to the Ministerial Decree of 08 July 2005, containing the "Technical requirements and the different levels for accessibility to IT tools ".
in particular:
- the site was created with the Drupal 8 CMS which generates HTML5 doctype pages. All public pages have been validated with the Markup Validation Service tool . The formatting of the site and all its elements has been made with CSS Style Sheets generated with SASS processor in order to guarantee, with the use of variables, the maximum uniformity of colors and other attributes of the elements. There are no online classes except for the cases in which their use is made necessary by dynamic javascript functionality.
- The theme of the site is based on the Bootstrap Italy framework, a version of Boostrap 4 customized according to the "Guidelines for the design of digital services of the Public Administration .
- The dynamic components of the pages contain wai-aria tagging to support the assisted navigation tools.
- The site does not use framesets and offline frames. There are in-line frames for Google maps only, easily recognizable by the Google Maps logo and necessary for a better browsing experience by geolocating all the places and services available.
- The site does not have flashing and written elements in movement. The image sliders have been designed to update after a long period of time and hidden from the assisted navigation tools by means of semantic tagging and wai-aria.
- The layout of the site is based on responsive design techniques that make the text "liquid" in the respective containers, when the width of the screen does not allow the correct display of aligned containers these are repositioned vertically in order to structure all the available width and always guarantee the usability of the contents.
- All links used in maps implement the "title" attribute.
- The site does not provide structured data on tables or for layout purposes.
- All content areas are organized according to headings and articles online, making them accessible regardless of formatting with style sheets.
- The site does not have entry forms for the public area.
- The site does not contain java and flash embed, now obsolete. Even if you disable Javascript, the missing features do not affect the use of the contents.
- The javascript on the site are based on the Bootstrap Italia framework designed specifically for compatibility with W3C standards.
- All the information provided via javascript can also be used with static text on the corresponding detail pages.
- The site does not present films or multimedia presentations essential for the completeness of the information provided or the service provided.
- All the links inserted are accompanied by descriptive text independent of the context of the page.
The site is compatible with the following browsers: Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, versions updated at least to 2019.