Le quattro stagioni di Vivaldi: concerto de I bei legami ensemble

Le Quattro Stagioni Di A. Vivaldi Concerto De I Bei Legami Ensemble
Le Quattro Stagioni Di A. Vivaldi Concerto De I Bei Legami Ensemble
Chiesa San Michele in borgo
Start date: 
End date: 


The four seasons' by Antonio Vivaldi, in their complete execution by the chamber team "I bei legami ensamble", directed by M ° Pietro Consoloni.
They will finally implement it in Pisa, in the heart of the city, at the Church of San Michele in Borgo next July 31st at 9.15 pm, with free admission.
It will be a wonderful opportunity to listen to a work of high art and Italian virtuosity. A summer event not to be missed together with the young performers who make up "I Bei Legami" ensemble, which has already shown its talent and musical talent on several occasions.
The masters Emanuele Luzzati and Alessio Mannelli will give us, as soloists, their interpretation together with the rest of the group, Maria Di Bella, Gabriele Ferdeghini, Debora Caretto, Tommaso Nicoli, Alberto Collareta and Pietro Consoloni (director).
