As part of the project Al museo e in giardino: dialoghi tra arte e scienza (At the museum and in the garden: dialogues between art and science), from Monday 29 July to Sunday 29 September, the Palazzina delle Conchiglie inside the Botanical Garden is hosting the exhibition ‘La botanica appesa al muro!’ (Botany hanging on the wall!), an event dedicated to the large wall-mounted teaching tables kept at the Botanical Museum.
The eight plates on display in the last room have been reproduced on panels with a modern interpretation.
An anastatic reprint of the catalogue manuscripted by Pietro Savi and its complete transcription with images of all 95 plates are on view to make the entire collection known and appreciated.
The exhibition can be visited during opening hours of the Botanical Garden and Museum:
Until 31 July: daily, 8.30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
From 1 August to 31 August: daily, 8.30 a.m. - 8 p.m.