From master to pupil. Giovanni Chiaramonti and Curzio Massart at Palazzo Blu

Da maestro a allievo. Giovanni Chiaramonti e Curzio Massart a Palazzo Blu
Da maestro a allievo. Giovanni Chiaramonti e Curzio Massart a Palazzo Blu
Palazzo Blu
Start date: 
End date: 

"From Master to Pupil: Giovanni Chiaramonti and Curzio Massart in 20th-Century Pisa" is the exhibition that Palazzo Blu dedicates to two artists who had a strong bond with Pisa but who have been somewhat forgotten at the same time.

The exhibition, curated by Stefano Renzoni, will be set up in the library hall and will allow visitors to admire around fifty selected works by the two post-Macchiaioli painters, illustrating views and interiors of churches, still lifes, seascapes and landscapes, in which glimpses of places and views of Pisa and Tuscany are recognisable. Giovanni Chiaramonti (Todi, 1861 - Viareggio, 1942) was Curzio Massart's (Suvereto, 1907 - Pisa, 1985) painting master, and the exhibition stems precisely from the desire to valorise the works of the two post-Macchiaioli artists who worked in Pisa for a long time - and not only there - but whose memory has been lost over the years. Giovanni Chiaramonti lived in Pisa for a long time in the early 20th century - from 1912 to 1939 - teaching drawing and painting there, and made it the subject of many of his paintings. While Curzio Massart devoted himself to painting in a nobly amateurish manner but nevertheless with interesting results that we will be able to appreciate in the exhibition at Palazzo Blu.

The inauguration to the public is scheduled for Friday 9 February at 5 p.m. with a short introductory ceremony in the Palazzo Blu auditorium that will be attended not only by the president of Palazzo Blu and the curator of the exhibition, but also by the mayor of Trevi Ferdinando Gemma and the councillor for culture of Pisa Filippo Bedini.

The exhibition, with free admission, will be open until Sunday 14 April, with opening hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00-19:00; Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10:00-20:00 (last admission one hour before closing)
