August in music 2024

Agosto in musica 2024
Agosto in musica 2024
Marina di Pisa
Start date: 
End date: 

From Sunday 18 August to Wednesday 21 August, Marina di Pisa, in Piazza delle Baleari, hosts "Agosto in musica", 4 appointments with live music concerts. "August in Music" is part of the review "Marenia NonSoloMare", organised and promoted by the Municipality of Pisa.



19 August 2024, 9.30 p.m.: DIRE STRAITS LEGACY

20 August 2024, 9.30 p.m.: FINAL talent show Notti di Talento, promoted by La Nazione

21 August 2024, 9.30 p.m.: SANTI FRANCESI 

In anticipation of the events, temporary traffic and parking measures have been adopted from 18 to 22 August, from 19.00 to 01.00. Measures are also planned to guarantee the safety of the public and operators.

Traffic. Traffic and parking will be modified as follows, from 18 to 22 August inclusive:

Piazza delle Baleari: no traffic on the entire square, including the brackets leading into Via Crosio and Via Repubblica Pisana (20.00-01.00). Parking ban with forced removal, including the two arms on both sides, north and south (7 p.m.- 1 a.m.). Closure of the square with barriers at the intersection of Via Minorca, Via Maiorca, Via Repubblica Pisana, Via Crosio.

Via Minorca: no traffic in the section between Piazza delle Baleari and Via Moriconi (20.00-01.00). Requirement to turn left in the section between via Duodi and via Moriconi, heading towards Tirrenia (20.00-01.00).

Via Daiberto: no parking with forced removal from house number 36 to house number 34 (7.00-01.00 p.m.). No parking with forced removal at the intersection with Via dell'Ordine di S. Stefano, in the traffic island in front of the Church of SS Maria Ausiliatrice (7.00 p.m.-01.00 a.m.). Obligatory left turn and/or straight ahead in the section between Piazza Viviani and Via Maiorca (8 p.m. - 1 a.m.).

Via Duodi: no parking with forced removal between Via dell'Ordine di S. Stefano and Via Minorca (7.00 p.m.-01.00 a.m.).

Via Moriconi: no parking with forced removal in the section between via Duodi, on the sea side, and the first parking bay, in addition to the already existing level island (7.00 p.m.-01.00 a.m.). Establishment of a one-way street, heading towards Tirrenia, in the section between via Minorca and via Duodi (20.00-01.00). Obligation to turn right at the intersection with via Duodi, upstream side (20.00-01.00).

Vehicles already parked in Via Moriconi, in the section between Via Minorca and Via Duodi, will be allowed to exit at a walking pace towards Tirrenia.

Via Ivizza: road closure for concerts with barriers at the height of Piazza delle Baleari and Via dell'Ordine di S. Stefano; cars are only allowed to exit onto Via dell'Ordine di S. Stefano.

Bicycle lane: abolished on these dates in piazza delle Baleari, via Repubblica Pisana up to the intersection with via Duodi, via Crosio.

Security. In the entire area corresponding to piazza delle Baleari, during the concerts from 18 to 21 August, it will also be forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages with an alcoholic volume higher than 5% for the entire duration of the events. Inside the performance area, it will be forbidden to bring in glass and aluminium containers (plastic bottles are allowed as long as they do not have the cap), and it will be forbidden to introduce, possess and use firecrackers, smoke bombs, flares and other explosive materials, as well as clubs, sticks or other potentially blunt objects. From the moment the square is closed until its reopening, all movable and removable structures placed by private individuals in the performance area must be removed. Car markets, stalls and temporary food and beverage outlets may not be placed in the area.

For the complete programme of Marenia NonSoloMare: