Casa Pardo Roques, via Sant'Andrea

in questa casa ospitale di
Giuseppe Pardo Roques
cittadino stimato in tempi non tristi
pro sindaco di Pisa
il 1 agosto del 1944
ebbero insieme morte
Pardo Roques Giuseppe
Gallichi Prof. Dario
Gallichi Teofilo
De cori Ida nei Gallichi
Gallichi Cesare
Levi Dott. Ernesto
Levi Cesira nei Levi
Ulivari Giovanna
Ulivari Alice
Bonanni Silvia
Del Francia Emilia
Ristori Dante
che il criminale odio di razza
e la sanguinaria furia nazista
accomunarono nel tragico destino
e nella pietà memori degli uomini
The building is located at no. 22 of Via Sant'Andrea and the wording of the plaque, shown above, reminds us of the massacre that took place on 1 August 1944 in the house of Giuseppe Pardo Roques, president of the Jewish community, known and respected by the entire citizenry for his great culture and his numerous charitable works. 12 people died there, including Giuseppe. The trial that followed, years later, failed to fully clarify the causes of the massacre. Since not only Jews were killed and numerous objects were stolen from the house, it has also been hypothesised that the enormous wealth of Pardo Roques may have been the reason, in the mind of the criminals, of the robbery that later led to a massacre, like the numerous cases that happened at that time ......... if only things had gone differently.